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Regulatory Filings and Cost Adjustments

我们会不时更新我们的费率和计划. 因此,以下信息将使您随时了解这些变化. These changes affect all of our customers. If you click the links, 您将澳门银河官网网址有关更改的详细信息,以及如果您有任何问题或需要更多信息如何与我们联系. Thanks for the opportunity to serve you.



澳门银河官网网址公司已于7月1日申请调整其固定合理费率, 2023年,科罗拉多州公用事业委员会在第2023号诉讼中批准. 23AL-XXXX. The new rate will decrease to $0.002698 from $0.002869 per kWh. 没有客户在场外净计量电价下使用服务,因此不会对公司产生账单影响或收入变化.

Filing documents:



On May 31st, 2019, we filed Advice Letter No. 774 at the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. The ECA rate is updated quarterly (February, May, August, and November) and is applicable to all retail customers. The ECA is strictly a pass-through charge. ECA回收公司用于发电的天然气的成本, for costs associated with renewable energy production, 及/或本公司在公开市场批发电力,以满足客户的银河官网需要. 本公司所发生的这些费用严格地属于转嫁成本.

本文件的主要目的是修改ECA税率,使其与委员会第6号决定批准的公司关税保持一致. C13-0794 in Proceeding No. 12AL-1052E. Additionally, Advice Letter No. 第774号谘询函批准的年度预测方法继续计算非洲经委会. 770.

The proposed ECA rate is $0.04099 per kWh which, if approved, 从7月1日开始,电费将按比例分摊到电费账单中, 2019. The proposed ECA rate is a $0.00289 increase from the current ECA rate of $0.03810 per kWh. Appendix A provides the applicable tariff sheet. 附录B银河官网网址提供了适用关税表的加了红线的版本,附录C银河官网网址提供了拟议的非洲经委会税率的计算银河官网网址支持.


  1. Recovery True-up – The current ECA rate includes a $3,638,173 under-recovery and the proposed rate reflects a $4,749,611 under-recovery from the period January – April 2019. 持续的回收不足状况是由于2019年1月至4月期间的实际期间成本约为1美元.11M higher than the actual recoveries for the same period. 复苏不足的部分原因是由于2019年第一季度利率的实施延迟. The Q1 2019 ECA rate became effective on February 15, 2019.
  2. Estimated Purchases for System - 2019年7月至2020年6月系统预计采购额增加2,624,750美元,即6.2019年4月至2020年3月期间,从58,809,141美元上涨16%. 预计系统采购量的增加部分归因于Busch Ranch II于2019年11月通过购电协议(“PPA”)上线. 约74.4万美元的额外Busch Ranch II PPA费用已包括在此期间的系统估计采购中, 与未包括这些费用的上一期预测费用相比. Additionally, it is forecasted that approximately 160,与2019年4月至2020年3月的预测相比,2019年7月至2020年6月期间将购买083兆瓦时的银河官网. This additional purchase load of 160,083兆瓦时进一步增加了这一时期的估计购买量.
  3. Estimated Sales (kWh) - 2019年7月至2020年6月期间的预计销售额减少45,653,732千瓦时,或2.21% from 2,064,439,126 kWh to 2,018,785,394 kWh. The reduction in kWh sales increases the ECA rate.

If permitted to go into effect on July 1, 2019, 关税修订将使年化收入增加约4美元.09M, if the current rate was not changes. Based on this proposed increase, the average residential customer monthly bill, 按费率表RS-1计算,每月平均用电量为600千瓦时, will increase $1.80, from $100.28 to $102.08, or 1.79%. The average small commercial customer monthly bill, under Rate Schedule SGS-N with an average usage of 2,300 kWh per month, will increase $6.90, from $326.40 to $333.30, or 2.11%.

Filing documents:

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act


Learn more about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.


On April 1, 2019, we filed Advice Letter No. 773 at the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. DSMCA费率每半年更新一次(四月和十月),适用于所有零售客户. 今年4月提交的文件的主要目的是修改DSMCA计算,以反映2018年的财务抑制抵消, the 2018 Performance Incentive, and to true-up any over or under collection of costs in 2018.

2018年帝斯曼项目是公司已批准的2016-2018年项目组合的第三个也是最后一个项目年, and the ninth program year for Black Hills. The Company achieved energy savings of 18,244,2018年为004千瓦时(以仪表计),占2018年计划年目标的90%. 该公司实现了3,993千瓦的需求节约,占需求目标的72%. 为了实现这些节省,公司花费了大约47.88亿美元,占其预算的74%. In addition, under the Modified Total Resource Cost Test (mTRC), the cost-effectiveness of the portfolio was 2.97. 2018年DSM计划结果的详细年度报告提交于第2号程序. 15A-0424E.

The proposed DSMCA rate is 1.77%, a decrease of 0.61% from the existing DSMCA rate of 2.38% which was approved in Proceeding No. 18AL-0880E.

If permitted to go into effect on July 1, 2019, 关税修订将导致年收入减少约1美元,541,690. Based on this proposed reduction, the average residential customer monthly bill, 按费率表RS-1计算,每月典型用电量为600千瓦时, will decrease $0.60 from $100.88 to $100.28, or 0.59%. The average small commercial customer monthly bill, under Rate Schedule SGS-N with typical usage of 2.300 kWh per month, will decrease $1.94 from $328.34 to $326.40, or 0.59%. 大型商业和工业客户可致电澳门银河官网网址公司(719)-546-6410,以获取有关所要求的关税修订如何影响他们的信息.

You may view the filing documents here:

Black Hills Colorado Electric, LLC于2019年2月4日提交申请

Black Hills Colorado Electric, LLC于2019年2月4日提交申请 a Notice of Filing in Compliance with Decision No. C19-0023发出通知,先前被指定为机密或高度机密信息的文件以及布莱克山科罗拉多电力公司之间的银河官网购买协议, LLC and Black Hills Electric Generation, LLC have now been filed in Proceeding No. 16A-0436E.

Please see the bid summary report below:

Eligible Energy Resource Request for Proposal Bid Summary (PDF)